Monday, 17 November 2014

Breakdown of Tear Down

Who are Tear Down?

Tear Down is the name of our post grunge band. In the group we have three member one vocalist, one on guitar and the other on drums. Tear Down are a British made band who are hoping to make it big in America.

Brief History:
They first met when they picked up Music studies for GCSE and were placed in group based on their preferences on music. They were placed in their small group of alternative and began to play as a band for the first time with their first choice of song Nirvana-Smells like teen spirit. They continued to play in their band and eventually left school and achieved their first pub performance and continued from their eventually claiming their name in the music industry.

The band had such influences as many classic grunge bands such as Sound Garden and Nirvana. In recent years they have found their aspirations from bands such as Seether and Staind. This has allowed them to adjust their style  in a way fitting to the times but adding their own unique twist to the music industry. By doing this it has allowed them to gain much more success within the industry and get to the point to which they are now, even now they are gaining more fans.

Tear Down love the going on tour and thats the reason why they started in the music industry, their sole purpose was to entertain people with their unique lyrics. They never intended to get as far as they did but they did and now they have started selling merchandise to their fans.

The genre of grunge and post-grunge is very simple... its all related to depressive and angry feeling music. However, Tear Down want to break away from this genre convention and make their own. they feel what's better than to take that feeling of depression and make people feel the opposite with relatable lyrics and a similar purpose. People find reasoning within the genre of grunge, that feeling that you are not the only one who has suffered. Tear Down want to show it is not the only way but in order to make someone feel better you ned to show them that there is an alternative and that is the one aim of Tear Down.

What we want Tear Down to look like:

Seether-Promo.jpgNirvana 1.jpgdxc__yj1711015__large.jpg

This is the appearance of post grunge. This is what we intend for every member of our group to look like. In order to do this we need the continuos theme of long hair, piecings and checkered or band t-shirts.  

1 comment:

  1. Pics? Branding? Genre conventions?

    This should match your blog design (I'm not sure about your background image and your banner is basic at best) and scream to an audience who your band are!
